Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sea Eagle Has Landed

[Click on any pic to enlarge]

UPS today dropped off our Sea Eagle inflatable kayak in two boxes. We opened them on the porch and put everything together to make sure it held air, etc. Actually, the only things to put together were the paddles, which had snap-button connections, easy as pie. The kayak is one long piece that has three inflatable sections: both sides, and the bottom. It comes with a foot pump that was all set to go. Just insert the nozzle into one of the three fill valves and start pumping. Each filled quite fast, probably a minute or two for each. There are two inflatable seats that took only a couple of pumps each and they were ready. It really was simple to set up. Too bad we don't have a lake close by. I'm not ready to try to launch it in the waves down at Will Rogers Beach! It's rated for class 3 rapids (uh-huh, not for me, I think) and is said to do better in the ocean than on lakes. We'll give that proposition a tryout when we go to Morro Bay in a couple of weeks. I'll have to get cracking and buy some life vests or we're sure to get nailed by the harbor patrol. Everything folds up quite nicely in the big bag, although we opted to keep the paddles in a separate one. Now, where are we going to stuff this thing in the RV?

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