Thursday, May 06, 2010


That’s a short “I,” not a long one.  As in GALE.


That’s a big flag, standing straight out.  Unlike our course of progress, which had more weaves, zigs, and zags than Gayle Sayers swiveling through the defense.  We hit the Oklahoma border


and the winds, previously a friendly push from the rear, shifted to a 90 degree 40mph broadside, with frequent, higher gusts.  LD’s are much better drivers than just about any other class “C” on the road, being significantly lower in overall height, but these winds were something else.  We were dancing, and out of step.  Other than a two hour fight with the elements, not much else to report.  Flat, flat country.  However, that is a plus if your goal is to make visible from long distances the thrill of . . . THE LARGEST CROSS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE!  That’s what the billboard said.  And who are we to argue?


Not convinced?


Those are people down around the base, some cars on the right, for perspective.

Only in the Bible Belt.

We now sit in the Twin Fountains RV Park in NE Oklahoma City, a very nice park where the wind still blows.


Personally, I need a drink.

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