Thursday, February 28, 2013


JUNE 1, 2012   No touring today.  We did an early morning laundry run at the very good facilities here in the park, then put everything away so that we could take the rig out and drive to Annapolis to pick up the scoot.  The parts had arrived from Georgia, and it was ready to go.  We had to park the rig in a nearby mall parking lot as there wasn’t sufficient room at the repair shop.  The mechanic warned us that the headlight no longer worked, there was a (death?) rattle coming from the back of the engine, and we desperately need a new front tire.  It is cupped beyond belief, and was the source of the singing whine I was hearing when we got up to speed.  Curiously, we never felt any effect from it.  I ran my hand over the tire and it felt like a stegosaurus’ back.  We had no time to get repairs done, as we have to be on the road tomorrow.  Hmmm.  Maybe I’ll donate this scoot to one of the boyos, and get a new one?

We made haste getting back to the park because the weather reports were turning ugly.  Unlike SoCal, when they get worked up back here for a “storm watch,” they mean real weather.  We made it back, hooked everything up again, and turned on the t.v.  Oh, yeah.  Here it comes.

DC-Bad Weather Day 6-1

Our park is located about midway between College Park and Greenbelt on the map.  We got some pretty high winds and a lot of rain, but the tornados went elsewhere.  We stayed nice and snug in the rig and rode it out.

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