Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Isn't that Googles corporate mantra?  Well, faithful readers (there are some of you out there, yes?), the Blog is temporarily sidelined due to the behemoth ships passing in the night of Microsoft and Google.

Microsoft was the developer of Windows Live Writer, the best publishing program for bloggers ever.  Unfortunately, they stopped servicing it about 3 years or so ago.  Still, it works admirably, better than anything else out there.  It allows me to integrate photos from my computer, without first having to upload them to some cloud storage place.  It also allows tremendous flexibility in moving, sizing, making collages, etc, that just isn't available at Blogger or anywhere else.  Google is now the owner of Blogger, which is the host for this blog and countless thousands of others.

On or about the 26th of this month (May, 2015), Google changed the login code for Blogger and probably other apps.  It claims it announced its intentions long ago.  Microsoft, not supporting WLW anymore, ignored or didn't get the word.  Thus, on the 26th, the many thousands of bloggers using the WLW platform to create and post their blogs were suddenly unable to connect their WLW program to Blogger.  No posting!  Forums online report that the two are talking with each other, but I don't see any quick resolution here.  Frankly, it is a huge pain to try to compose a blog without WLW.  There is nothing like it, and using Blogger's own program to create a post with pictures is a nightmare of steps, with a vastly inferior result.  So, while I have post drafts waiting to go, I can't get them loaded.  I'm writing this using the Blogger program.  It's fine for straight text, but it's the pictures that make my blog go.  Stay tuned.  Sigh. 

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